Rockwood and Green’s: Fractures in Adults Volume 1, 8e | Orthopaedic Surgery | Health Library
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Rockwood and Green’s: Fractures in Adults Volume 1, 8e
Charles M. Court-Brown, James D. Heckman, Margaret M. McQueen, William M. Ricci, Paul Tornetta, III; Michael D. McKee


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AMA Citation
Court-Brown CM, Heckman JD, McQueen MM, et al. Rockwood and Green’s: Fractures in Adults Volume 1. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2015. Accessed November 05, 2024.

APA Citation
Court-Brown, C. M., Heckman, J. D., McQueen, M. M., Ricci, W. M., Tornetta, P., III, & McKee, M. D. (2015). Rockwood and green’s: fractures in adults volume 1. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

MLA Citation
Court-Brown, Charles M., et al. Rockwood and Green’s: Fractures in Adults Volume 1 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015.

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